At the conclusion of the First Conference in 1963, it was resolved to organize “a second conference with the objective of furthering interdisciplinary exchange of information in the field.” Circumstances were such that this objective was not met until 10 years later. The Conference was held at the House of Political Education, Yaroslavskiy Str., Yakutsk between Monday, July 12 and Friday, July 20, 1973. During the stay in Yakutsk, attendees had opportunities for several short field trips including visits to a site where prefabricated, six-story, apartment buildings were being constructed on permafrost; the 117 m deep “well” or Shergin shaft that had been dug into permafrost 100 years earlier, and used for the first scientific study of permafrost”; and, most importantly the Permafrost Institute which has a life-size statute of a mammoth that greets you before you enter the building.
Conference Materials
- Online proceedings – North American Contribution (PDF, 85.2 MB)
- Online proceedings – USSR Contribution (PDF, 89.4 MB)