Standing Committee on Data, Information and Communications


  • Mark Parson, U.S.A.
  • Sharon Smith, Canada

Statement of Goals:

  • Ensure the continued collection, archiving, documentation and dissemination of permafrost/frozen ground data
  • Address the improved standardization of frozen ground data collection and documentation
  • Maximize the dissemination of information and value-added products about frozen ground research to international and national agencies and organizations, including the international Arctic Data Directory (ADD), and to the permafrost community through Frozen Ground
  • Assist the Executive Committee with the developing responsibilities for permafrost monitoring
  • Report to the GCOS/GTOS on the status of permafrost monitoring, and to identify permafrost research issues for the WCRP Climate and the Cryosphere (CLIC)
  • Provide liaison with cognate data collection and monitoring programs, especially IPY permafrost projects, IPA Working Parties and to invite such organizations to nominate a representative to SCDIC
  • Oversee the contents and ensure the continuity of the IPA web site


  • Coordinate preparation of the IPA-IPY snapshot database (2010) and CAPS 3.0 (2012)

Web page address:
Liaison with international organizations and programs:, CALM, TSP, IPYDIS, SAON, SCANNET, WCRP/CliC, WDCs for Glaciology, WMO-FAO/GCOS/GTOS