The Himalayan PERmafrost Consortium (HiPERC)

HiPERC is comprised of noted institutions from several countries, including Jawaharlal Nehru University (India), Universität Heidelberg (Germany), North Carolina State University (USA), University of Dundee (U.K.), and Inter University Accelerator Centre (India). These organizations are working collaboratively on geophysical research in the Himalayan cryosphere. HiPERC intends to expand its research into the Himalayan permafrost by using state-of-the-art micro-devices to monitor fluctuations in permafrost-related parameters. Additionally, this study would incorporate and highlight the socio-economic importance of permafrost with regard to availability of water for all purposes for these vulnerable Trans-Himalayan mountain communities and their long-term survival in a changing environment. 

Contact: Milap Chand Sharma (
