ICOP2024: Extended abstract submission deadline 8 December

The deadline for extended abstract submission for the 2024 International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP2024) has been extended to Friday 8 December 2023.

We strongly encourage everyone to take advantage of this extended deadline to submit their abstracts.

The conference provides an excellent opportunity to present and discuss recent findings, research trends, and technical advancements in permafrost science, engineering, and related fields.

We welcome abstract submissions on a wide range of topics, and we have more than 40 technical sessions to choose from.

As a reminder, there will not be an option for submitting short (one paragraph) abstracts. Extended abstracts are eligible for either a poster or oral presentation.

Please visit the conference website for further details on the abstract submission guidelines and submission process.

We look forward to receiving your abstract submissions and seeing you at the International Conference on Permafrost.

Best regards,

ICOP2024 National Organizing Committee
