The 11th International Conference on Permafrost (ICOP 2016) will be held in Potsdam, Germany, 20-24 June 2016. The conference aims at covering all relevant aspects of permafrost research, engineering and outreach on a global and regional level. Check out the conference trailer here:
We hereby open the call 1 December 2015 via the external conference registration system ConfTool ( For this system you have to register (as user) to be able to start with the registration for the conference (as participant), to upload abstracts, register for local excursions and field trips and other events and meetings. Payments can be carried out by bank transfer, credit card (MasterCard and VISA) and via Paypal.
A list of sessions and their descriptions are available at Please note that a maximum of two abstracts can be submitted per first author, out of which only one can be a submission for oral presentation. Particularly, early-career researchers are encouraged to submit abstracts.
By 1 February 2016, authors will be informed about the decision on submitted abstracts. Depending on the number of accepted abstracts, sessions may be subject to cancellation or combination with other sessions. The final conference program will be released 15 April 2016.
Please note that the hotel registration is NOT included in the conference fee and needs to be done following the instructions on the website or via
We look forward to receiving your submissions and registrations and to seeing you in Potsdam next June!
The ICOP 2016 Local Organizing Committee